| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



: what acid taught me

- I can change.
- I can feel.
- I can love.
- I can be kinder.
- I can be happier.
- I can be mindful.
- I can take care of myself.
- My friends care about me.
- I love my friends.
- I love people.
- I love the world.
- I love myself.
- I suffer.
- I don't have to suffer.
- If I don't change Right Now, I may never.

: poems i wrote at work today

when I looked down the kaleidoscope
what caught my sight?
a million colorful stars
lighting up the night
for they were dancing,
with gravity as the song;
the soup of the cosmos
convection moving them along
they lulled me to sleep and I had a wonderful dream
a being on another planet
looking through another kaleidoscope
thinking of me

like one of those rubber toys filled with water
an elongated donut shaped like a snake
slipping out of my hands as if it's water
so too do my dreams leave when I wake
many of my own memories have passed me by
like divine fingers pulled them from my brain
at night I lay awake counting the years so far of mine
wondering what more of my life they will take

: a painting I did on my trip

Everything seems so cosmic...   Here, in the vast reaches of space.
Except this  is just a painting.   Look around you.   Could you say
hello  to  someone  nearby  for  me?    Hug   them?    How  are  we
so different.  Meat,  wires, flesh.  You breathe.  I breathe.  Wars
are fought for greed,  lust,  all these little miseries  poor souls
like to share. Why must there be discord? Why can't we all just get
along?   Peace is seen as depravity,  peace-sharing seen as hippies
and hypocricy  or  however  you  spell  that.   It's easier to seek
gold than happiness.   Finding happiness  requires respect  of self
and others,  kindness,  perhaps love for those still capable.  Gold
demands only lust.   Depravity  is  spilling  blood  in  the desert
for  the  remains  of  million-year-old  trees.       Hypocrisy  is
wearing  a  suit while debating  bombing a country into  the  stone
age.   Wires  are veins  are roads are rivers are conduits are vias
are the grid on which life grows.       Life is somewhat beautiful.
Somewhat scary, too.  Self-replicating, self-healing, self-ish. All
qualities  had  by  the  most loathesome  monsters  and  ghouls  of
fairy tales.  The scariest thing to us is us.   The loveliest, too.
Fear, love,  sadness, happiness,  loathing, lust,  hatred, passion,
openness.    The  full  range,   the  vibrancy  of  life  can  only
be experienced with others.  I breathe as do my siblings in Russia,
Ukraine, China,  the DPRK, the ROK,  Taiwan, the USA, and all these
places  in  the  world  with names  that wage war  on other places.
We only have one Earth.  We are one people.  When air is bought and
sold, what will we have left to breathe?                    [delta]


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