| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



Watched Smiling Friends last night, and by that I mean I rewatched some of the
later of the first season and saw for the first time some of the second which
was really brilliant. Smiling Friends really holds up on rewatches.

I can't wait to get my development environment finalized so I can work on
Bonsai stuff again.

Bus pull-off strings are brilliant. The strings you pull to say you wanna get
off at the next stop? Brilliant.

I feel nauseated but I'm going to work anyway because they wouldn't be able to
find cover for me and because a sore throat and sick tummy is all that stands
between me and six hours' income.

I had a dream last night that I went to college and I desperately wish I could.
Being a full time student? That's the dream. I couldn't figure out how to fill
out the FAFSA or scholarship applications at 17 because I was severely
depressed, mostly from living with my parents, and was terrified I would remain
dependent on my parents. It's bonkers how badly bad parenting can fuck you up.
I'm speedrunning my good person tf ark.

Local punks have been putting FREE PALESTINE stickers up and I wish to meet
them. I'm woefully uninformed regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict and wish
to remain that way as the few people I've met with strong opinions on the topic
have been pro-Israel and so strongly convinced of their righteousness that they
labelled their opposition anti-semitic. In my opinion that shuts down free
debate and poisons the topic for those who care about the human rights abuses
being committed on the Gaza strip. But I don't know, I guess time will tell.
The people who are fervently pro-Palestine seem to be pretty cool generally.
When in high school I asked my history teacher what the deal was with the
conflict. He said something like "I don't know if I could give you a good
overview of the issue. Both sides have done terrible things to each other. It's
complicated... really complicated."

I've read a lot of arguments against SUID on Unix systems and remain totally

I changed my header again because the last one was corny as hell.

: a paper I had in my string bag

0  you might be sober
1+ you are on some
   fucked shit man.
   this is a [...]
   [...]. there are no
   possums here.


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