| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



: i just want to play the cannibalism game

Here's the current plan

 __ Linux (arm64) ______________________________________
|  Chimera                                              |
|  __ X11 ____________________________________________  |
| |  __ QEMU _______________________________________  | | ; # apk add qemu-\
| | |                                               | | | ; system-arm
| | |  __ Linux (armhf) __________________________  | | | ; $ git clone \
| | | |                                           | | | | ;\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; /dhruvvyas90/qemu-\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; rpi-kernel
| | | | Raspberry Pi OS                           | | | | ; $ curl -O http://\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; downloads.\
| | | |                                           | | | | ;\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; raspios_full_armhf\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; /images/raspios_\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; full_armhf-2021-11\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; -08/2021-10-30-\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; raspios-bullseye-\
| | | |                                           | | | | ;
| | | |                                           | | | | ; $ unzip 2021-10-30\
| | | |                                           | | | | ; -raspios-bullseye-\
| | | |                                           | | | | ;
| | | |  __ X11 ________________________________  | | | |
| | | | |  __ Box86 __________________________  | | | | |
| | | | | |  __ WINE _______________________  | | | | | |
| | | | | | |                               | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | The Coffin of Andy and Leyley | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |_______________________________| | | | | | |
| | | | | |___________________________________| | | | | |
| | | | |_______________________________________| | | | |
| | | |___________________________________________| | | |
| | |_______________________________________________| | |
| |___________________________________________________| |

Nevermind, I used [...]'s computer to boot Windows 10 and play it. It took me
two hours and I finished in one sitting. What an excellent game.

[ 8:59 PM] trinity: finished episodr 1
[ 9:00 PM] trinity: fuck. i should make andy my pfp
[ 9:00 PM] [...]:   real
[ 9:00 PM] trinity: doing it
[ 9:00 PM] trinity: l8r
[ 9:00 PM] trinity: gotta play gamez
[ 9:00 PM] [...]:   @[...] see u can match w/ trin now too
[ 9:04 PM] [...]:   wyh
[ 9:04 PM] [...]:   huh
[ 9:04 PM] [...]:   hfbd
[ 9:04 PM] [...]:   hsha
[10:16 PM] trinity: kin andy
[10:19 PM] trinity: god FUCK
[10:20 PM] trinity: how can there be such a perfect game
[10:20 PM] [...]:   I KNOW
[10:20 PM] trinity: took me 2hrs to finish
[10:20 PM] [...]:   it's so fucking good
[10:21 PM] [...]:   can i be the third sibling
[10:21 PM] trinity: third?
[10:21 PM] trinity: kin andrew*

I cannot describe my thoughts on this game here where it will be associated
with my real identity.


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