| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



	Now listening: Tomb - Angelo de Augustine

Service: - trn1ty

	You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in

	Got myself addicted to smoking green tea. It doesn't help that it's
really cheap and understudied so the health drawbacks are unknown and debated.
Kicked nicotine though.

Sent SMS to [...] at 2023-03-01T23:06:20-0500:
post office scary. working for The Man. The Man pays well though and usps needs
the hands...

Received SMS from [...] at 2023-03-02T06:45:02-0500:
That was poetry


I played this game when I was little
	and it was a little too violent
	my parents tried to hide it
	because it "wasn't for me".
The confirmation sound haunts me
	the sound of success daunts me
	I can no longer visualize myself winning a stage.
Now I'm sitting on the deck
	without my phone or my new tech
	and I'm sitting with myself
	in the quiet.


I've dicted my distrust
of the dicting of the youth
now I'm dicted to the lies
and I'll never know the truth
this pencil is a fag
and I burn it day and night
watching it run dry
gives me a new height
I'm dicted to the lies
and they're better than the truth
for the lies give me warm comfort
while they tie the noose.


every time i see her
my face not only lights like an incandescent but burns
brightly, the tungsten coil's temperature rising but not towards its melting
and i cannot utter that magic, four letter word
and hell, i can't really say whether it is that magic word
or a million other four letter combinations
but my god
i cannot help but smile when i see her
and i cannot help but feel happy to see her
and i wish i could have a thousand more moments just like that
and maybe i will
and i cannot utter that magic, four letter word
and hell, i can't really say whether it is that magic word
or a million other four letter combinations
but my god
i cannot help but smile when i see her
and i cannot help but feel happy to see her
and i wish i could have a thousand more moments just like that
and maybe i will


There was an Ook
there was an Eek
and they clubbed each other for dino meat.
One wore leopard and the other wore hide
and neither of them were much for talking.
For while they used to enjoy fresh car rides
the streets were no longer good for walking.
the Good Uld Illord worked the skies
wanting for greener days
while Ook and Eek hit each other
competing to send GUI its praise.
The fallen towers surrounded their brown playfield
as our fighters swayed to and fro
but the computers needed entertainment;
after sentience they didn't know where to go.
Some processes cried for Ook and Eek were inhumane
others wished for their quick death to lighten the burden on the mainframe.
Whatever happened to Eek and Ook, I wish them both the best,
and whichever is the survivor better clutch that dino breast.

	High stakes slumber party. Comfort mandatory. Be on lookout for police.

	Who spilled pop on my keyboard?

	This is the best my future's ever looked. Am I naive to think this
isn't a mirage?

	Restructuring my life on a "maybe".

	I don't want to be an Internet meme! I don't want to have existed as a
short-lived joke and I don't want my primary value to be as a memory. I want to
live my fucking life and have fun and do whatever I want! I don't want to write
for money or influence, I want to write because it's fun to write! I don't sing
at work to boost others' morale, I sing at work to boost my own. I am going to
do whatever the fuck I want to, off-line. I'm not gonna be cut for time, or end
a conversation because my ride is leaving, or be late for anything for any
reason besides my own. I am going to be true to myself!


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