| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



List of things we did on that bender
1900 -	Smoking green tea
-	Axe throwing
-	Walk in a bird sanctuary at night
0000 -	Drive to Acadia National Park
-	Watching the sun rise at Acadia National Park
-	Eating at the A1 Diner
-	Goodwill
1200 -	Faking an accident on the side of the road to get out of work
-	Watching Close (2022) in theater
-	Watching Of an Age (2022) in theater
1900 -	Eating Thai
-	Stealing slushees from Burger King

Gains vs. Losses
- $50? Actual amount unknown
- Some quantity of days/months taken off my lifespan
+ Priceless life experience
+ The best weekend ever


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