| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



deep in the shadow the cage in my chest
catacombic prison meant for love to
rest empty it's empty i'm so alone
just leave me a message after the tone
misery beats me and minces my bones
nobody gets it except for eno
my last tok left ticking a lonesome beat
keeps all the lights on for what's left of me
take this katana and gouge out my guts
and let my entrails accumulate dust
my microsoft organs always were cursed
so I'll be the free software. open source

	Simon looked up from the test and out the window. Kamisama sat in the
tree outside, looking at Simon. Simon blinked twice. Kamisama started signing
the answer to each exam question. A. Simon wrote it. C. And Simon wrote C. And
D, A, B, C, B, D, A, and until the final answer A. He walked to the front of
the class and put the paper in the teacher's in-box. Then he walked back to his
desk, put his head in his folded arms, and fell asleep for the rest of the

Hand crafting ustar files
	ustar files are archives of directory trees in regular files. They're
generally used to copy over whole trees without messing up filesystem metadata
(e.g. xfer to Windows, lose your dates and perms, xfer to UNIX, have to chmod
chown etc) and historically have been used to back shit up to tape, hence Tape
	A ustar file is a little header and then the content of a file, and
then usually some padding unless you won the lottery and also got struck by
lightning and your file is perfectly sized.
	Bytes 0-100 (0x00 to 0x64) are the UNIX file name. This is padded out
with nul bytes if it's not filled. If it is filled with the full hundred
characters it doesn't need to have any padding or nul terminator (see pax(1p)).
for(int n = printf("%s", filename); n++ < 100; putchar('\0')); 
	Bytes 101-108 (0x65 to 0x6b) are the UNIX file mode in octal, written
in ASCII and nul-terminated (so seven digits can be expressed).
printf("%7o\0", mode);

printf '%s' "blah/$day.html"
dd bs=1 count=80 /dev/null
printf '0000644\0'



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