| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



[0252] nyauseous at the idea of migrating accounts call
                           that motion sickness
[0256] brain melter let the soup run out your nose i want u
                           to sniffle at the sight of me i want you to need
                           another dose
[0256] i need a sound cloud

[2:58 AM] trinity: at night when the console cowboys have crashed and the fans
                   fade to the soft whooshing of the liquid cooling
[2:58 AM] trinity: and the only messages flowing through the ethernet towards
                   the superhighway are those of tired overstimulation
[2:58 AM] trinity: at every third message
[2:58 AM] trinity: there is a tone
[2:59 AM] trinity: leave a message after the beep

[0326] noooooooo you're supposed to be the one barking for
[0327] post good girl clarity
[0328] and the machine girl album ended at the same time

	I'll let you in on a little secret. I test my scripts maybe 6 times per
line of code. Which sounds like a lot but I overuse pipes and logic operators
so per actual unit or whatever of code that's like nothing. I am a rat bastard
when it comes to software development.
	Hacking RSS onto my blah...

	And you don't seem to understand...

	Come on, fuck me emo boy!

- Office
	Robert [lastname] is a simple dude office guy whatever but it turns out
	his past self put him in the office to catch a crook or something. fun
	little plot twister that introduces the concepts of antero
- Downward
	An addict spends all day whether or not to have another dose.
	Meanwhile, a couple decides whether or not to stay together, and Robert
	investigates a ghost in an apartment building.
- Sisyphus
	Books are written, lotteries are won, dissidents are slaughtered, and
	Robert looks into cognitohazards being hidden on traffic lights in
- Hell
	Robert doesn't make it out of a hostage situation gone horrifically
- Heaven
	Robert's afterlife.
- God
	Some kids mess around with electrodes and a brain they found on the
	side of the road.
- Hamburgers
	Durmer Burger is built atop cheap land.

	I had a dream I could get human cadavers really easily so I got a shit
ton and dissected like 20 in one go. Now we know what the yucky ah was are but
I wanted to know what a stomach was because it was the 1800s.

	walk up to this bitch
	 that I once dated
	say happy birthday
	 she says it's belated
	fucker wear an eyepatch
	 his dick's arr rated
	tellin me to step back
	 'fore I get castrated


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