| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



	[picture of a dog girl eating a sandwich saying "mmf sandwich"]
	Today was a good day, and though I could remember it by what it _was_,
I'll recall how I _felt_, and let you fill in the rest -
		Particularly when I tried the door and it was locked. What if
it was the wrong day? etc.
		how do you spell that
		I didn't know how [...] policy was so I was worried I'd do
something that was both stupid and catastrophically wrong
		When we actually started [...]
	Intriguiged [sic]
		When I saw everyone.
	By now, and BTW. Excuse the previous if it was cringe, I know the names
	- You
	- [...]
	- [...]
		(not the spelling but I'll take note next time)
	- [...]
	- [...]
	& that's it.
	I'm bad at names and face blind so give me credit.
	Last night I had Fritos for supper. Now, [...], [...], [...], on [...].
	Pretty good.

	I don't remember what it was like to feel emotions.

	I worked both that job and my previous until I was sure I could do that
job, then quit my previous job for that job. It paid very well and I miss a lot
about it. I'm currently at the job after that job.

And I thought so hard but I didn't suspect
that there could be anything wrong with my head
and you tried so hard but I didn't believe
that there could be something so different about me


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