| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic




	I went to the dentist. No co pay. Hell yeah!
	My teeth are good.
	Still working on my taxes.
	I have a feeling I won't be giving you this journal. Maybe I will. It
just seems like you're a bit distant.
	It's getting more and more embarrassing to wear a Soviet watch.
	Watching Peacemaker (2022). Pretty good. Saw the Blade trilogy. Pretty
	A couple days ago someone said "there's only a couple seconds left" at
work probably about a cook time. Said I: "only a couple seconds left? I've
gotta call-"
	And then I realized, for all I've done, I'm probably the first person
of which nobody would think at the world's end.
	It's okay but it hurts.
	And that's of what I've recently been thinking
	My room is messy to a considerable yet probably easily remedable extent
but I just can't bring myself to clean it. I don't know why.
	One of my old teams made the news for [...] attacks on [...] or however
you spell it. Nobody knows how racist they are but I don't think it would
change their public image. And the PR group is full of lamers still...
	Working 1130-2000 or something like that. Today will probably be bad
but we'll see. Can always be worse...
	Double Junior Whopperless!
	Let's make that Hopperless!
	We are show stopperless
	Because we are so obvious!
	[unintelligible drawing]
	Burger Hell!
	[picture of a stick figure saying "12 fish"]
	[picture of the stick figure next to a square]
	[2 piles of 6 circles]
	[picture of a stick figure saying "done"]

	The customer came in and ordered 12 fish sandwiches. After they were
made and sent out (which took fifteen minutes or so) they changed their mind
and ordered 12 veggie burgers instead. We were left with 12 fish sandwiches. I
considered taking them home and freezing them and having them for every meal
for a couple weeks but I tried one and it was so bad I threw it out and told
management to just throw them out.

[3:40 PM] AllisonHell: sounds like an mcr song 
[3:40 PM] AllisonHell: pricking ink under ur skin thinking of meeeeeee
                       - some Midwest emo
[3:48 PM] trinity: i'm stealing that

I'm strung out in my bed staring up at a screen
that I keep on my wall playing fond memories
and you're out at the stream sucking venomous things
and you pick at your skin and you're thinking of me
but I'm out and the light and the cathode ray beam
and you're pricking your skin and turning it green
and the red and the blue and the black and the pink
and I can't think of you but you scream there for me
Am I such a villain?
Am I such a bleeding heart fool?
That you can't cope now
That you cut it and bleed out by that tool?
Am I such a bitch now?
That you can't deal with the pain
and now you're gonna bleed out
and now I'll carry all the blame

[4:16 PM] AllisonHell: oh wow I cut myself on that edge

	Today I went to the whatever surgeon to see what my teeth were doing.
Turns out they're being super mega bastards and the wise guys (wisdom teeth)
are putting pressure on (impacting) the civies (molars) and if the situation
continues things could get hairy (get fucked). So now I need $2500 to get my
wisdom teeth out. Time to pawn all my shit!
	I have to figure out my insurance but the dentist said my non-wise
teeth are rad and kick mega ass so that's nice.


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