| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



	Internet's out, repo's not cloned here, guess I'm writing this in a
separate text file.

	This blah really is just a single large HTML file I edit (most of the
time). I might start splitting it up but then I don't get to read previous
stuff as I write. A lot of my revision process is just taking something I've
written, copy pasting it into a new doc, and rewriting it word by word into
something I like. It would be a lot harder to do if it was all separate text
files. Honey, where did I put my arsonted_06.txt?

	I have a job I never really talk about here because I don't really like
working and don't see why I should write about something I don't like. But my
co-workers vaguely know of the existence of this blah so I figure I'll mention
that. At least at this current job they do. Don't move up, move out. I make
sandwiches. Fast food. It's no honorable occupation.

	xterm(1) is a program I really enjoy despite it technically being hot
garbage. Someday maybe I'll fork it and fix it while keeping support for
everything but probably not.

	maia arson crimew is so cool.

	I'd like to implement Fing for UNIX but better. It's definitely
possible even in Just shell scripting. nmap(1), ping(1), etc.

	Immediately I'd like to write a history of pagers and some
documentation for raspi-config(8).


No rights reserved, all rights exercised, rights turned to lefts, left in this
corner of the web.