| \    |   | blah!
|\ | `\|\  | the rantings and ravings
|/ |(_|| | * of a depraved lunatic



	Get up doggy. Please!

	Here's a thesis on which I never elaborated, that I wrote for this


; cat drugs.txt
        "Drugs are bad" is something I say to myself while I sip my morning
coffee and puff my cigarette, reading the newspaper. Then I go to work and on my
lunch break flag the dealer down on Main Street for crack and tell him my
thoughts on the matter, and he laughs and asks how long I'm gonna be making the
same joke, and oh probably another week or so. Drugs are bad in much the same
way chemicals are bad, and crystals are bad, and molecules are blasphemous, and
faith pays as long as you can still give to the church.



        As part of my campaign for the worsening of the world (I'm not allowed
to discuss my sponsors) my next trick will be to poke fun at websites. To me
this "web" is a little service hosted on most websites at port 80 that will
return reading material if I write a neat request in the format of the HyperText
Transport Protocol (or HTTP). Fun! Usually, though, I get a program to automate
this task for me. I like Firefox and Lynx, the latter more than the former
though I use Fx the most. There have been a number of developments to the web I
really don't like:
        - Cascading StyleSheets (or CSS).
I remember when I could go into my browser settings and change the text color,
font, and size, and the background color. Now when using Fx I'm at the mercy
of the site designer who usually doesn't share my sensibilities, much less

	Also not completed.

	I wrote something else that I liked but I don't know where I put it.

	Looking through computer backups makes me very lonely. I'm currently
working on getting rid of most of my stuff - I really don't need much and it's
weighing me down. But the reason I had so much damn stuff was because I was
planning on spending my life with somebody. It's not so bad to be alone but I
wish I had planned for it, or that my plans had worked out a little better. So
it goes...

	At any given moment there are hundreds of accomplishable plots to end
the world. Most are horrifying, some are near-completion, some aren't planned
except in the back of the minds of men, where conscious thought breaks down and
only the God-daemons are left to staff the console. The following four things
strike me as things that are actually worrying:
-	TempleOS (reason: [...])
-	blockchains (reason:
                             From what little I know about the blockchain -
                             which is really not a lot! - I wonder if it could
                             become sentient. I wonder if it already is.
                             Substitute "the blockchain" for your favorite.)

	The sudden growth of memes should worry me but it doesn't because when
I dove into them I found them to be a very effective weapon, and that counter-
attacks aren't too difficult to launch when needed. The main problems to be
solved are automation and timing.
	I think the television show "Infowars" was actually just some
convoluted but successful attempt to inoculate a critical mass of "true
believers" (someone should come up with a term that isn't stupid) against
certain ideas. By presenting itself in a way that is just outright silly and
unbelievable except by the most gullible of its potential viewers, it
discredits its ideas and those that repeat them. To say that there is veritable
information warfare, in a way that is very new and very exciting strategically,
would not be at all controversial unless this silly television show called
"Infowars" with a kooky host and fake stories existed that discredits the idea.
To say 5G will be very convenient for law enforcement to find and prosecute or
persecute criminals or alleged criminals (politics may vary) would be to repeat
common knowledge if the stuff of "Infowars"' ilk hadn't already presented 5G as
some heinous conspiracy based not on the potential for geolocation based on
access point connection triangulation (there's probably a better term for this
but I don't draft and edit blahposts) but the idea that harmless radio waves
are some evil wireless mind control plot or whatever.
			On a side note, I was tipped off to the wack part of 5G
		by someone in [...] back when I was loosely associated but
		included in communications. I've seen their claim repeated but
		don't have a citation. Empiracally (is that how you spell that?)
		though, if you need more 5G towers because the signal isn't
		very strong, an accessing device will have to be physically
		closer to a given tower, and so finding it will be easier if
		you know to what towers it's connected. Presumably cell
		providers know this (I don't know a lot about the
		nitty-gritties) and provide it to law enforcement - they do
		know cell location in 4G and prior technologies. But don't
		quote me - look stuff up and double check your damn sources!
	Why would Alex Jones give up his life, basically, just to tell some
lies on a television show? Probably, though, he's just rage-drunk and
struggling through withdrawal from slamming his fist on expensive desks.

	I'm mostly an ideas person. I wish I was more of an implementation
person but I'm just not skilled enough yet. つづく


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